%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% TPs Année 2000-2001 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[french]{babel} \voffset -2.8 cm \textwidth 17 cm \textheight 24.7 cm \oddsidemargin -.54 cm \evensidemargin -1.54 cm \usepackage{graphicx} %\usepackage{amsmath} %\usepackage{amsfonts} %\usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \pagestyle{plain} \begin{document} \centerline {\Large \sc Information and coding theory} \bigskip \bigskip \hrule \bigskip \bigskip \centerline {\underline{\Large Exercise sheet n$^\circ$ 6}:} \bigskip \bigskip \noindent {\bf 6-1.} We define a Hamming code with the $4\times 6$ parity matrix $$ H=\left( \begin{tabular}{c c c c c c} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & $h_{1,6}$ \\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & $h_{2,6}$ \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & $h_{3,6}$ \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & $h_{4,6}$ \end{tabular} \right). $$ \par \medskip \noindent (a) If one choses $h_{1,6}=h_{2,6}=h_{3,6}=h_{4,6}=1$, determine the list of codewords. What is the amount of information and parity bits? How many errors does this code correct? \par \medskip \noindent (b) Show that the variables $h_{1,6},h_{2,6},h_{3,6},h_{4,6}$ cannot be chosen in a way such that this code corrects a single error and detects as well (without correcting them) two errors. \par Help: For a minimal Hamming distance $x$ all sets of $x-1$ columns of $H$ have to be linearly independent. \par \bigskip \noindent {\bf 6-2.} {\em Generator of a Hamming code.} We call a $k \times n$ matrix $G$ with $k$ linearly independent rows (codewords) a generator of a binary code $(n,k)$. Each of the $2^k$ codewords can be thus expressed in terms of a linear combination of the rows of $G$. \par \medskip \noindent (a) Determine the parity matrix of the code with the generator $$ G_1=\left( \begin{tabular}{c c c c c} 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \end{tabular} \right). $$ Which are the correction and/or detection properties of this code? \par \medskip \noindent (b) The same question as (a) for the generator $$ G_2=\left( \begin{tabular}{c c c c } 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \end{tabular} \right). $$ \noindent {\bf 6-3.} {\em Hamming code.} Show that a Hamming code corrects up to $e-1$ errors and detects (but does not necessarily correct) up to $e$ errors {\em if and only if} all sets of $2e-1$ columns of the parity matrix are linearly independent. \par \bigskip \noindent {\bf 6-4.} Optional. Show that the minimal distance of a Hamming code is equal to $d$ {\em if and only if} all non-zero codewords have at least $d$ bits equal to 1, and at least one of them has {\em exactly} $d$ bits equal to 1. \par \bigskip \end{document}