iweb visitor

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Postal address:

Quantum Information and Communication (QuIC)
CP 165/59
Ecole Polytechnique
Université Libre de Bruxelles 
50 av. F. D. Roosevelt
B-1050 Bruxelles
Unit Number : HJ060


Telephone / fax / e-mail:

Nicolas Cerf (group leader): +32-2-650-2858
Pascale Lathouwers (secretary): +32-2-650-2859
Fax: +32-2-650-2941
E-mail: quic@ulb.ac.be

Location: how to find us?

We are located in UA3.217, on the 1st floor (level 3) in building U, entrance door A, in the campus Solbosch (Ixelles). After entering building U from entrance A, climb the stairs on your left then turn left again and climb a few more steps to get to level 3. Then, look for the door UA3.217, with the sign QuIC.

Campus map


Access map

[[http://www.php.net|{{ access-map.png }}]] \\

Getting to the Solbosch campus by car

from the Namur motorway (E411)
from the Liège motorway (E40)
from the Paris-Mons motorway (E19)
from the Ostende motorway (E40)
from the Antwerp motorway

Getting to the Solbosch campus by public transportation

</h2> <table class=“text” cellpadding=“5”>

  <td class="table-heading">from the Central Station</td>
  <td>take bus 71, destination Delta. Get off at the stop ULB.</td>
  <td class="table-heading">from the South Station</td>
  <td>take the underground, line 2, destination Simonis. Get off at the station Louise. Take tram 94, destinations Herrmann-Debroux, to the ULB. Get off at the stop ULB. Alternatively, get off at the station Porte de Namur, then take bus 71, destination Delta, and get off at the stop ULB.</td>
  <td class="table-heading">from the North Station</td>
  <td>take tram 25, destination Boondael-Gare, to the ULB. Get off at the stop ULB. Alternatively, take bus 61, destination Montgomery, to the Botanique. Then take tram 94, destination Herrmann-Debroux, to the l'ULB. Get off at the stop ULB.</td>
  <td class="table-heading">from Etterbeek Station</td>
  <td>take bus 95, destination Wiener, to Ixelles cemetery. From there, walk (less than 5 minutes), along the Avenue de l'Universit&eacute; to Solbosch, or takes buses 71 ou 72 to the ULB.</td>
  <td class="table-heading">from Boitsfort Station</td>
  <td>take tram 94, destination Stade, to the ULB. Get off at the stop ULB.</td>
  <td class="table-heading">other possibilities</td>
  <td>take trams 23 and 24 to the Place de l'&eacute;toile (stop Cambre-Etoile) then walk to the campus (less than 5 minutes).</td>


<h2>Getting to the Solbosch campus from the airport</h2> <table class=“text” cellpadding=“5”>

  <td class="table-heading">from Brussels Airport (Zaventem)</td>
  <td>take the train to Central Station, then take bus 71, destination Delta. Get off at the stop ULB. Alternatively, just take a taxi to the Solbosch ULB campus.</td>



           <div class="pagebottom">
             Webmaster: <em>Loïck Magnin</em><br />
             Contact: lmagnin<img src="/common/php/at.php" alt="@" />ulb.ac.be<br />
             Last update: 05/16/2008
