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November 2013: L'ordinateur du futur sera quantique

Project COPHYMA (Computational, PHYsical and Mathematical approaches to complexity), supported by Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Action de Recherche Concertée), is coordinated by the Centre for Quantum Information and Communication, and also involves the Algorithms Research Group and Discrete Mathematics Group. It started on October 2012.

Images de Sciences - ULB TV
Jérémie Roland and Mathieu Brandeho.

Security by Quantum Randomness - QuIC announces the creation of its first Spin-off company, SQR (November 2010)

The Spin-off SQR will commercialize the outcome of our research at QuIC in the field of Information Security, Quantum Cryptography, and Quantum Physics. See Newsletter of the Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles. SQR is one of the 25 start-ups that have been selected, among 234 innovating companies, for the European Tech Tour Association (ETT) held in Lausanne on November 17-18, 2010.

Continuous-Variable Quantum Erasure-Correcting Code (October 2010)

QuIC researchers invented a new quantum erasure-correcting code, which has been successfully implemented experimentally in collaboration with Ulrik Andersen (Technical University of Copenhagen, Denmark) and Gerd Leuchs (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, Germany). The results have been published in Nature Photonics 4, 700 - 705 (2010) and presented in ULB [intra]lettre no. 145.

April 2008: Advanced ICT solutions for CRYPTogaphy, Authentication and Secure Communication: software engineering assisted by quantum technology
  • New project CRYPTASC in the field of ICT supported by the Impulse Programme of the Brussels Capital Region aims at the development of a set of tools for information security and cryptograpfy based on the primising results of Quantum Information TIC: clés cryptées (ULB [intra] lettre)
French journal "La Recherche" Fall 2007
Recent Books authored by QuIC Members

Marie Curie Excellence Awards 2006

Nicolas Cerf has won a Marie Curie Excellence Award
(ceremony at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, November 2006)

2005, Year of Einstein
  • The French journal La Recherche has devoted a special issue to Einstein's legacy after one century (Les Dossiers de La Recherche, February-April 2005). Inside, see paper entitled L'étrange pouvoir de l'intrication quantique authored by N. J. Cerf and N. Gisin.
March 2005: EC publication on Quantum Information Processing and Communications (QIPC) in Europe
  • The IST-FET-QIPC unit of the European Commission has collected the contributions of 58 scientists from research institutions all over Europe in order to make a broad overview of the current state of research on QIPC in Europe.

See paper on Quantum cloning and key distribution with continuous variables by N. J. Cerf and P. Grangier.

La Recherche Award 2004

  • Gilles Van Assche, a former Ph.D. student at QuIC, has been awarded a prize La Recherche 2004 for his work on quantum cryptography in collaboration with the French researchers R. Alléaume, A. Beveratos, F. Grosshans, and J. Wenger.

This work, which results from a collaboration between the QuIC and the Institut d'Optique d'Orsay, was published in Nature on 16 January 2003.


In English

Article on Quantum cloning and key distribution with continuous variables by N.J. Cerf and Ph. Grangier, in: EC/IST/FET publication on QIPC in Europe, March 2005.
[PDF file]

Article on quantum cryptography by Patrick Navez and Gilles Van Assche (QuIC) for the journal Technopol IT-Scan, April 2002.
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Introduction chapter of the book Quantum cryptography and secret-key distillation by Gilles Van Assche (Cambridge University Press, 2006).

In French

Interview sur le sujet de la Cryptographie quantique réalisé par Alain Dauchot pour le magazine de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB),
Esprit Libre , N°18, décembre 2003 / janvier 2004, p 13.
[PDF file]

Conférence de Nicolas Cerf et Yves Roggeman pour le Centre de Culture Scientifique (CCS ) de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB),
le mardi 26 mars 2002 (14 heures): Information, transmission et sécurité : de l'arithmétique aux quanta.
Conférence à l'attention des classes de l'enseignement secondaire.

Article de vulgarisation sur la Cryptographie quantique écrit par Patrick Navez et Gilles Van Assche (QuIC) pour la revue Technopol IT-Scan, avril 2002.
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Article intitulé L'étrange pouvoir de l'intrication quantique écrit par Nicolas Cerf et Nicolas Gisin paru dans les Dossiers de La Recherche N°18, février-avril 2005. (Dossier spécial: L'héritage Einstein 1905-2005).
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Dossier sur la Téléportation quantique écrit par Gilles Brassard, Claude Crépeau, Nicolas Cerf et Nicolas Gisin, paru dans le numéro de mai 2005 de La Recherche, N°386.
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Interview sur le sujet de la Téléportation quantique pour pour l'émission Le Monde Change du 28 avril 2005 sur Radio France International (15min 30s).
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Interview sur France Info le 12 mai 2005, chronique Profession Chercheur présentée par Marie-Odile Monchicourt (1min 55s).
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Interview sur France Info le 25 août 2005, chronique Profession Chercheur présentée par Marie-Odile Monchicourt (1min 55s).
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Interview sur la Première (RTBF) le 4 décembre 2005, émission Semences de Curieux présentée par Jacques Olivier (44min 01s).
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Interview sur la Première (RTBF) le 11 décembre 2005, émission Semences de Curieux présentée par Jacques Olivier (43min 40s).
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