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members:ekarpov [2017/01/10 16:01]
members:ekarpov [2017/01/10 16:03]
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 A. Hertz, E. Karpov, A. Mandilara, and N. J. Cerf\\ A. Hertz, E. Karpov, A. Mandilara, and N. J. Cerf\\
 //Detection of non-Gaussian entangled states with an improved continuous-variable separability criterion//,​\\ //Detection of non-Gaussian entangled states with an improved continuous-variable separability criterion//,​\\
-Phys. Rev. A 93 (2016) 032330;\\ +[[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1103/​PhysRevA.93.032330|PhysRev93 (2016) ​032330]];\\ 
-[[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1103/​PhysRevA.93.032330|doi:10.1103/​PhysRevA.93.032330]] +{{publications/​2016-pra-93-032330.pdf|PDF file}},
-[[http://​quic.ulb.ac.be/​_media/​publications/​2016-pra-93-032330.pdf|PDF file]]+
 [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1511.06621|arXiv:​1511.06621 [quant-ph]]] [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1511.06621|arXiv:​1511.06621 [quant-ph]]]