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members:jroland [2012/11/14 21:07]
members:jroland [2015/12/15 17:38]
jroland [Selected talks]
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 ====== Jérémie Roland ====== ====== Jérémie Roland ======
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 | style="​width:​541px;"​| jroland (at) ulb.ac.be | style="​width:​541px;"​| jroland (at) ulb.ac.be
 |- |-
-! Phone: ​+! Phone:
 | +32-2-650-28-75 | +32-2-650-28-75
 |- |-
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 |} |}
-=== Short biography ===+==== News ==== 
 +  * From May 20 to 22, 2015, Stefano Pironio and I organize the 10th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation,​ Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2015) in Brussels. More information [[http://​tqc2015.ulb.ac.be|here]]. 
 +  * On May 31, 2015, I will run the 20km of Brussels for [[http://​www.medecinsdumonde.be/​|Doctors of the World]]. Help me support their action by [[http://​www.medecinsdumonde.be/​events/​20-km-de-bruxelles/​j-r-mie_roland|sponsoring my race]]. 
 +  * How to separate information and communication complexity? My joint paper with (too many coauthors to list!), which was accepted at [[http://​www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/​icalp2015/​|ICALP 2015]], takes a fresh look at this problem: [ [[http://​eccc.hpi-web.de/​report/​2015/​028/​|http]] ] 
 +  * Any query problem can be solved optimally with bounded error by an adiabatic quantum algorithm, as shown in the article I coauthored with my PhD student Mathieu Brandeho, which was accepted at [[http://​tqc2015.ulb.ac.be|TQC 2015]]. Congratulations to Mathieu for his first accepted article! [ [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1409.3558|arXiv]] ] 
 +  * Quantum walks can find a marked element on any graph! The original result was obtained in 2010 with my coauthors Hari Krovi, Frédéric Magniez and Maris Ozols, but the full journal article is finally available in Algorithmica:​ [ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​s00453-015-9979-8|DOI]] | [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1002.2419|arXiv]] ] 
 +==== Short biography ​====
   * Born in Brussels in 1976.   * Born in Brussels in 1976.
   * In 1994, he began to study engineering at the [[http://​www.ulb.ac.be/​|University of Brussels]] (ULB).   * In 1994, he began to study engineering at the [[http://​www.ulb.ac.be/​|University of Brussels]] (ULB).
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   * From 2000 to 2004, he did a PhD thesis at QuIC, where he also worked as a teaching assistant for courses of information theory and quantum physics.   * From 2000 to 2004, he did a PhD thesis at QuIC, where he also worked as a teaching assistant for courses of information theory and quantum physics.
   * From 2004 to 2006, he held a postdoctoral position at the [[http://​www.lri.fr/​algo/​|Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique]] in Orsay, France.   * From 2004 to 2006, he held a postdoctoral position at the [[http://​www.lri.fr/​algo/​|Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique]] in Orsay, France.
-  * From 2006, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher of the Belgian [[http://​www.frs-fnrs.be/​|FNRS]],​ based at the University of Brussels. ​ 
   * From January to December 2007, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher of the [[http://​www.berkeley.edu/​|University of California, Berkeley]].   * From January to December 2007, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher of the [[http://​www.berkeley.edu/​|University of California, Berkeley]].
   * From January to May 2008, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher of the Belgian [[http://​www.frs-fnrs.be/​|FNRS]],​ based at the University of Brussels. ​   * From January to May 2008, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher of the Belgian [[http://​www.frs-fnrs.be/​|FNRS]],​ based at the University of Brussels. ​
   * From May 2008 to August 2011, he was a Research Staff Member at [[http://​www.nec-labs.com/​|NEC Laboratories America]]. ​   * From May 2008 to August 2011, he was a Research Staff Member at [[http://​www.nec-labs.com/​|NEC Laboratories America]]. ​
-=== Research interests ===+==== Teaching ==== 
 +  * Compléments de programmation et d'​algorithmique (INFO-H-304) 
 +  * Quantum information and computation (INFO-H-514) - partim: Quantum computation 
 +  * Information,​ Coding, Computing and Complexity Theory (INFO-H-422) - partim: Computing and Complexity Theory 
 +  * Analyse complexe et calcul numérique (MATH-H-302) - partim: Analyse complexe 
 +  * Analyse complexe (MATH-H-201) - partim: Exercices 
 +  * Examen spécial d'​admission en Polytechnique - Géométrie 
 +==== Research interests ​====
   * Quantum algorithms   * Quantum algorithms
   * Quantum walks   * Quantum walks
   * Adiabatic quantum computation   * Adiabatic quantum computation
 +  * Quantum query complexity
   * Quantum non-locality   * Quantum non-locality
   * Quantum communication complexity   * Quantum communication complexity
-  * Quantum ​query complexity +  * Quantum ​cryptographic primitives 
- +==== Selected talks ===
-=== Selected talks ===+  * A universal adiabatic quantum query algorithm. [[http://​www.lorentzcenter.nl/​lc/​web/​2015/​724/​info.php3?​wsid=724&​venue=Snellius|Quantum Random Walks and Quantum Algorithms]],​ Lorentz Center, Leiden (Netherlands),​ December 11, 2015. [{{:​members:​jroland:​qwalks-leiden-2015-handout.pdf|PDF}}] 
 +  * Quantum algorithms based on quantum walks. [[https://​uwaterloo.ca/​institute-for-quantum-computing/​|IQC Colloquium at UWaterloo]] (Canada), July 28, 2014. [{{:​members:​jroland:​IQC-colloquium-08-2014-handout.pdf|PDF}}] 
 +  * Quantum query complexity: Adversaries,​ polynomials and direct product theorems. [[http://​www.maths.bris.ac.uk/​~maowg/​q-alg-2013/​q-alg-2013.html|The 3rd Heilbronn Quantum Algorithms Day]] in Bristol (UK), April 25, 2013. [{{:​members:​jroland:​bristol-algorithm-day-2013-handout.pdf|PDF}}]
   * Quantum algorithms based on quantum walks. [[http://​www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/​~joye/​quawag/​QuaWaG/​|Quantum Walks in Grenoble]] (France), November 13-14, 2012. [{{:​members:​jroland:​quawag-grenoble-presentation-handout.pdf|PDF}}]   * Quantum algorithms based on quantum walks. [[http://​www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/​~joye/​quawag/​QuaWaG/​|Quantum Walks in Grenoble]] (France), November 13-14, 2012. [{{:​members:​jroland:​quawag-grenoble-presentation-handout.pdf|PDF}}]
   * Quantum query complexity: Adversaries,​ polynomials and direct product theorems. [[http://​qa2012.iqc.uwaterloo.ca/​|Recent Progress in Quantum Algorithms]] at IQC (Waterloo, Canada), April 11-13, 2012. [{{:​members:​jroland:​talk-iqc-pi-workshop-2012-printout.pdf|PDF}} | [[http://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=N9BuArGFqjU|Video]]]   * Quantum query complexity: Adversaries,​ polynomials and direct product theorems. [[http://​qa2012.iqc.uwaterloo.ca/​|Recent Progress in Quantum Algorithms]] at IQC (Waterloo, Canada), April 11-13, 2012. [{{:​members:​jroland:​talk-iqc-pi-workshop-2012-printout.pdf|PDF}} | [[http://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=N9BuArGFqjU|Video]]]
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   * Finding is as easy as detecting for quantum walks. [[http://​qip2011.quantumlah.org/​|14th Workshop on Quantum Information Processing]] (QIP'​11) in Singapore, January 8-9, 2011. [{{:​members:​jroland:​walks-qip-presentation-printout.pdf|PDF}} | [[http://​qip2011.quantumlah.org/​scientificprogramme/​movie.php?​id=1002.2419|Video]]]   * Finding is as easy as detecting for quantum walks. [[http://​qip2011.quantumlah.org/​|14th Workshop on Quantum Information Processing]] (QIP'​11) in Singapore, January 8-9, 2011. [{{:​members:​jroland:​walks-qip-presentation-printout.pdf|PDF}} | [[http://​qip2011.quantumlah.org/​scientificprogramme/​movie.php?​id=1002.2419|Video]]]
   * Anderson localization and adiabatic quantum optimization. [[http://​pctp.princeton.edu/​pcts/​rareevents/​rareevents.html|Workshop on Rare Events in Computational,​ Financial and Physical Sciences]] at Princeton University (USA), October 21-22, 2010. [{{:​members:​jroland:​talk-rare-events-handout.pdf|PDF}}]   * Anderson localization and adiabatic quantum optimization. [[http://​pctp.princeton.edu/​pcts/​rareevents/​rareevents.html|Workshop on Rare Events in Computational,​ Financial and Physical Sciences]] at Princeton University (USA), October 21-22, 2010. [{{:​members:​jroland:​talk-rare-events-handout.pdf|PDF}}]
-  * Anderson localization and adiabatic quantum optimization. [[http://​www.perimeterinstitute.ca/​en/​Events/​Random_Matrix_Techniques_in_Quantum_Information/​Random_Matrix_Techniques_in_Quantum_Information_Theory/|Workshop on Random Matrix Techniques in Quantum Information Theory ]] at Perimeter Institute (Waterloo, Canada), July 4-6, 2010. [ [[http://​pirsa.org/​10070006/​|Video]] ]+  * Anderson localization and adiabatic quantum optimization. [[http://​www.perimeterinstitute.ca/​conferences/random-matrix-techniques-quantum-information-theory|Workshop on Random Matrix Techniques in Quantum Information Theory ]] at Perimeter Institute (Waterloo, Canada), July 4-6, 2010. [ [[http://​pirsa.org/​10070006/​|Video]] ]
   * The communication complexity of non-signaling distributions. [[http://​membres-liglab.imag.fr/​degorre/​FounQi/​|Workshop on Foundational Principles in Quantum Information]] (FounQI'​09) in Grenoble (France), June 15-17, 2009. [{{:​members:​jroland:​non-signalling-seminar-handout.pdf|PDF}}]   * The communication complexity of non-signaling distributions. [[http://​membres-liglab.imag.fr/​degorre/​FounQi/​|Workshop on Foundational Principles in Quantum Information]] (FounQI'​09) in Grenoble (France), June 15-17, 2009. [{{:​members:​jroland:​non-signalling-seminar-handout.pdf|PDF}}]
   * Search via quantum walk. [[http://​www2.research.att.com/​~dsj/​stoc07.html|39th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing]] (STOC'​07) in San Diego (USA), June 11-13, 2007. [{{:​members:​jroland:​stoc-presentation.pdf|PDF}}]   * Search via quantum walk. [[http://​www2.research.att.com/​~dsj/​stoc07.html|39th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing]] (STOC'​07) in San Diego (USA), June 11-13, 2007. [{{:​members:​jroland:​stoc-presentation.pdf|PDF}}]
-=== Publications ===+==== Publications ​====
 <​html>​ <​html>​
- +<!-- This document was automatically generated with bibtex2html 1.97
-<!-- This document was automatically generated with bibtex2html 1.96+
      (see http://​www.lri.fr/​~filliatr/​bibtex2html/​),​      (see http://​www.lri.fr/​~filliatr/​bibtex2html/​),​
      with the following command:      with the following command:
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 <tr valign="​top">​ <tr valign="​top">​
 <td align="​right"​ class="​bibtexnumber">​ <td align="​right"​ class="​bibtexnumber">​
-[<a name="MR12">​1</​a>​]+[<a name="BR14">1</​a>​] 
 +<td class="​bibtexitem">​ 
 +Mathieu Brandeho and J&​eacute;​r&​eacute;​mie Roland. 
 + A universal adiabatic quantum query algorithm. 
 + In <​em>​10th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation,​ 
 +  Communication and Cryptography (TQC'​15)</​em>,​ 2015. 
 + To appear. 
 +[&​nbsp;<​a href="​http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1409.3558">​arXiv</​a>&​nbsp;​] 
 +<tr valign="​top">​ 
 +<td align="​right"​ class="​bibtexnumber">​ 
 +[<a name="​KLL+14">​2</​a>​] 
 +<td class="​bibtexitem">​ 
 +Iordanis Kerenidis, Sophie Laplante, Virginie Lerays, J&​eacute;​r&​eacute;​mie Roland, 
 +  and David Xiao. 
 + Lower bounds on information complexity via zero-communication 
 +  protocols and applications. 
 + <​em>​SIAM Journal on Computing</​em>,​ 44(5):​1550--1572,​ 2015. 
 +[&​nbsp;<​a href="​http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1137/​130928273">​DOI</​a>&​nbsp;​|  
 +<a href="​http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1204.1505">​arXiv</​a>&​nbsp;​] 
 +<tr valign="​top">​ 
 +<td align="​right"​ class="​bibtexnumber">​ 
 +[<a name="​FJKL+15">​3</​a>​] 
 +<td class="​bibtexitem">​ 
 +Lila Fontes, Rahul Jain, Iordanis Kerenidis, Sophie Laplante, Mathieu 
 +  Lauri&​egrave;​re,​ and J&​eacute;​r&​eacute;​mie Roland. 
 + ​Relative Discrepancy does not separate Information and Communication 
 +  Complexity. 
 + In <​em>​42nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and 
 +  Programming (ICALP'​15)</​em>,​ volume 9134 of <​em>​Lecture Notes in Computer 
 +  Science</​em>,​ pages 506-516. Springer, 2015. 
 +[&​nbsp;<​a href="​http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​978-3-662-47672-7_41">​DOI</​a>&​nbsp;​| <a href="​http://​eccc.hpi-web.de/​report/​2015/​028/">​http</​a>&​nbsp;​] 
 +<tr valign="​top">​ 
 +<td align="​right"​ class="​bibtexnumber">​ 
 +[<a name="​MR13-IJQI">​4</a>]
 </td> </td>
 <td class="​bibtexitem">​ <td class="​bibtexitem">​
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  ​Explicit relation between all lower bound techniques for quantum  ​Explicit relation between all lower bound techniques for quantum
   query complexity.   query complexity.
- Technical Report arXiv:1209.2713arXiv, 2012+ <​em>​International Journal of Quantum Information</​em>,​ 13(4)13500592015
-[&​nbsp;<​a href="​http://​arxiv.org/abs/1209.2713">arXiv</​a>&​nbsp;​]+[&​nbsp;<​a href="​http://​dx.doi.org/10.1142/​S0219749913500597">DOI</​a>&​nbsp;​]
 </td> </td>
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-[<a name="​KLL+12">​2</a>]+[<a name="​KMOR15">​5</​a>​] 
 +<td class="​bibtexitem">​ 
 +Hari Krovi, Fr&​eacute;​d&​eacute;​ric Magniez, Maris Ozols, and J&​eacute;​r&​eacute;​mie Roland. 
 + ​Quantum walks can find a marked element on any graph. 
 + <​em>​Algorithmica</​em>,​ 2015. 
 + ​Published online. 
 +[&​nbsp;<​a href="​http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​s00453-015-9979-8">​DOI</​a>&​nbsp;​|  
 +<a href="​http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1002.2419">​arXiv</​a>&​nbsp;​] 
 +<tr valign="​top">​ 
 +<td align="​right"​ class="​bibtexnumber">​ 
 +[<a name="​ORR13">​6</​a>​] 
 +<td class="​bibtexitem">​ 
 +Maris Ozols, Martin Roetteler, and J&​eacute;​r&​eacute;​mie Roland. 
 + ​Quantum rejection sampling. 
 + <​em>​ACM Transactions on Computation Theory</​em>,​ 5(3):​11:​1-11:​33,​ 2013. 
 +[&​nbsp;<​a href="​http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1145/​2493252.2493256">​DOI</​a>&​nbsp;​] 
 +<tr valign="​top">​ 
 +<td align="​right"​ class="​bibtexnumber">​ 
 +[<a name="​LR13">​7</​a>​] 
 +<td class="​bibtexitem">​ 
 +Troy Lee and Jérémie Roland. 
 + A strong direct product theorem for quantum query complexity. 
 + <​em>​Computational Complexity</​em>,​ 22(2):​429-462,​ 2013. 
 +[&​nbsp;<​a href="​http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​s00037-013-0066-8">​DOI</​a>&​nbsp;​] 
 +<tr valign="​top">​ 
 +<td align="​right"​ class="​bibtexnumber">​ 
 +[<a name="​MR13">​8</​a>​] 
 +<td class="​bibtexitem">​ 
 +Lo&​iuml;​ck Magnin and J&​eacute;​r&​eacute;​mie Roland. 
 + ​Explicit relation between all lower bound techniques for quantum 
 +  query complexity. 
 + In <​em>​30th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of 
 +  Computer Science (STACS'​13)</​em>,​ pages 434-445, 2013. 
 +[&​nbsp;<​a href="​http://​dx.doi.org/​10.4230/​LIPIcs.STACS.2013.434">​DOI</​a>&​nbsp;​|  
 +<a href="​http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1209.2713">​arXiv</​a>&​nbsp;​] 
 +<tr valign="​top">​ 
 +<td align="​right"​ class="​bibtexnumber">​ 
 +[<a name="​KLL+12">​9</a>]
 </td> </td>
 <td class="​bibtexitem">​ <td class="​bibtexitem">​
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   protocols and applications.   protocols and applications.
  In <​em>​53rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science  In <​em>​53rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
-  (FOCS'​12)</​em>,​ 2012+  (FOCS'​12)</​em>​, pages 500-509, 2012. 
- To appear+[&nbsp;<a href="​http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1109/​FOCS.2012.68">​DOI</​a>&​nbsp;​|  
-[&​nbsp;<​a href="​http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1204.1505">​arXiv</​a>&​nbsp;​]+<a href="​http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1204.1505">​arXiv</​a>&​nbsp;​]
 </td> </td>
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-[<a name="​LLR12">​3</a>]+[<a name="​LLR12">​10</a>]
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-[<a name="​kklr11">​10</a>]+[<a name="​kklr11">​17</a>]
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-[<a name="​kor10">​11</a>]+[<a name="​kor10">​18</a>]
 </td> </td>
 <td class="​bibtexitem">​ <td class="​bibtexitem">​
 Hari Krovi, Maris Ozols, and J&​eacute;​r&​eacute;​mie Roland. Hari Krovi, Maris Ozols, and J&​eacute;​r&​eacute;​mie Roland.
  ​Adiabatic condition and the quantum hitting time of Markov chains.  ​Adiabatic condition and the quantum hitting time of Markov chains.
- <em><​em>​Physical Review A</em></​em>,​ 82(2):​022333,​ 2010.+ <​em>​Physical Review A</​em>,​ 82(2):​022333,​ 2010.
 [&​nbsp;<​a href="​http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1103/​PhysRevA.82.022333">​DOI</​a>&​nbsp;​| ​ [&​nbsp;<​a href="​http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1103/​PhysRevA.82.022333">​DOI</​a>&​nbsp;​| ​
 <a href="​http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1004.2721">​arXiv</​a>&​nbsp;​] <a href="​http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1004.2721">​arXiv</​a>&​nbsp;​]
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-[<a name="​kmor10">​12</a>]+[<a name="​kmor10">​19</a>]
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-[<a name="​arc06">​18</a>]+[<a name="​arc06">​25</a>]
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-[<a name="​dlr06:​qudits">​19</a>]+[<a name="​dlr06:​qudits">​26</a>]
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-[<a name="​ir06">​21</a>]+[<a name="​ir06">​28</a>]
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-[<a name="​ccmr05:​pisa">​22</a>]+[<a name="​ccmr05:​pisa">​29</a>]
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Line 428: Line 552:
  An intuitive approach for the simulation of quantum correlations.  An intuitive approach for the simulation of quantum correlations.
  In <​em>​26th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux</​em>,​ 2005.  In <​em>​26th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux</​em>,​ 2005.
-[&​nbsp;<​a href="/​~jroland/​publications/​2005-Proc-IT05.pdf">​.pdf</​a>&​nbsp;​]+[&​nbsp;<​a href="/​_media/​members/​jroland/​publications/​2005-proc-it05.pdf">​.pdf</​a>&​nbsp;​]
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-[<a name="​dlr05">​24</a>]+[<a name="​dlr05">​31</a>]
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-[<a name="​ccmr05:​pra">​25</a>]+[<a name="​ccmr05:​pra">​32</a>]
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-[<a name="​rc05">​26</a>]+[<a name="​rc05">​33</a>]
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-[<a name="​roland04">​27</a>]+[<a name="​roland04">​34</a>]
 </td> </td>
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Line 490: Line 614:
  <​em>​Adiabatic Quantum Computation</​em>​.  <​em>​Adiabatic Quantum Computation</​em>​.
  PhD thesis, Universit&​eacute;​ Libre de Bruxelles, 2004.  PhD thesis, Universit&​eacute;​ Libre de Bruxelles, 2004.
-[&​nbsp;<​a href="/​~jroland/publications/2004-Thesis-Adiabatic\_Quantum\_Computation.pdf">​.pdf</​a>&​nbsp;​]+[&​nbsp;<​a href="/​_media/members/​jroland/2004-thesis.pdf">​.pdf</​a>&​nbsp;​]
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 <td align="​right"​ class="​bibtexnumber">​ <td align="​right"​ class="​bibtexnumber">​
-[<a name="​rc03b">​28</a>]+[<a name="​rc03b">​35</a>]
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-[<a name="​rc03a">​29</a>]+[<a name="​rc03a">​36</a>]
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-[<a name="​mprg02">​30</a>]+[<a name="​mprg02">​37</a>]
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-[<a name="​rc02">​31</a>]+[<a name="​rc02">​38</a>]
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-[<a name="​hrb02">​32</a>]+[<a name="​hrb02">​39</a>]
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