Levon Chakhmakhchyan
Email: | levon.chakhmakhchyan@ulb.ac.be |
Phone: | +32-2-650 29 72 | |
Fax: | +32-2-650 29 41 | |
Address: |
QuIC - Ecole polytechnique de Bruxelles Université libre de Bruxelles 50 av. F. D. Roosevelt - CP 165/59 B-1050 Brussels Belgium |
Short biography
Levon Chakhmakhchyan received his M.S. in Theoretical Physics from Yerevan State University, Armenia, in 2011. The same year he started his doctoral studies in physics, under international joint supervision between France (Université de Bourgogne) and Armenia (Institute for Physical research), funded by the Conseil Régional de Bourgogne, CNRS and the State Committee of Science of Armenia. In summer 2012 he was an early stage researcher at the Ultrafast Quantum Optics and Optical Metrology group of the University of Oxford, within FP7's Marie Curie ITN project FASTQUAST. As of 2015, after obtaining his PhD degree, he is a postdoctral fellow at QuIC and is funded by the H2020's FET-ProActive project QUCHIP.
See detailed Curriculum Vitae.
Research interests
- Quantum information and computation
- Quantum optics and light-matter interaction
- Discrete- and continuous-variable entanglement
- Spin models and complex networks
1. L. Chakhmakhchyan, N. J. Cerf,
Simulating arbitrary Gaussian circuits with linear optics,
Phys. Rev. A 98, 062314 (2018).
2. N. J. Russel, L. Chakhmakhchyan, J. O’Brien, A. Laing,
Direct dialling of Haar random unitary matrices,
New J. Phys. 19, 033007 (2017).
3. L. Chakhmakhchyan, N. Cerf,
Boson sampling with Gaussian measurements,
Phys. Rev. A 96, 032326 (2017).
4. L. Chakhmakhchyan, N. Cerf, R. Garcia-Patron,
A quantum-inspired algorithm for estimating the permanent of positive-semidefinite matrices,
Phys. Rev. A 96, 022329 (2017).
5. L. Chakhmakhchyan, T. N. Teles, S. Ruffo,
Ensemble inequivalence and absence of quasi-stationary states in long-range random networks,
J. Stat. Mech. 063204 (2017).
6. L. Chakhmakhchyan, S. Guérin, C. Leroy,
Chaotic Spin-Spin Entanglement on a Recursive Lattice,
Phys. Rev. E 92, 022101 (2015).
7. L. Chakhmakhchyan, C. Leroy, N. Ananikian, S. Guérin,
Generation of Entanglement in Systems of Intercoupled Qubits,
Phys. Rev. A 90, 042324 (2014).
8. N. Ananikian, R. Artuso, L. Chakhmakhchyan,
Superstable Cycles for Antiferromagnetic Q-State Potts and Three-Site Interaction Ising Models on Recursive Lattices,
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 19, 3671 (2014).
9. L. Chakhmakhchyan, S. Guérin, J. Nunn, A. Datta,
A Compact Entanglement Distillery Using Realistic Quantum Memories,
Phys. Rev. A 88, 042312 (2013).
10. L. Chakhmakhchyan, D. Shepelyansky,
Pagerank Model of Opinion Formation on Ulam Networks,
Phys. Lett. A 377, 3119 (2013).
11. L. A. Chakhmakhchyan,
Entanglement of Effectively Coupled Three Atoms,
Journal of Contemporary Physics (NAS of Armenia) 48, 193 (2013).
12. N. S. Ananikyan, L. N. Ananikian, L. A. Chakhmakhchyan, O. Rojas,
Thermal Entanglement of Spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg Model on a Symmetrical Diamond Chain,
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 24, 256001 (2012).
13. G. Grigoryan, C. Leroy, L. Chakhmakhchyan, Y. Pashayan-Leroy, S. Guérin, H.R. Jauslin,
Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage via Bright State in Λ Medium of Unequal Oscillator Strengths,
Eur. Phys. J. D 66, 256 (2012).
14. L. Chakhmakhchyan, N. Ananikian, L. Ananikyan, C. Burdik,
Thermal Entanglement of the Spin-1/2 Diamond Chain,
J. Phys: Conf. Series 343, 012022 (2012).
15. L. Chakhmakhchyan, G. Grigoryan, C. Leroy, Y. Pashayan-Leroy, S. Guérin, H.R. Jauslin,
Influence of Unequal Oscillator Strengths on Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage via Bright State,
Int. J. Mod. Phys.: Conf. Series 15, 147 (2012).
16. N. S. Ananikian, L. N. Ananikyan, L. A. Chakhmakhchyan,
Three-periodic Cyclic Window in Antiferromagnetic Potts and Ising Models on Recursive Lattices,
JETP Lett. 94, 39 (2011).
17. N. S. Ananikian, L. N. Ananikyan, L. A. Chakhmakhchyan, A. N. Kocharyan,
Magnetic Properties and Thermal Entanglement on a Triangulated Kagome Lattice,
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44, 025001 (2011).
18. N. Ananikian, L. Ananikyan, L. Chakhmakhchyan, A. Kocharyan,
Thermal Entanglement and Critical Behavior of Magnetic Properties on Triangulated Kagome Lattice,
Acta Polytechnica 51, 7 (2011).
19. L. N. Ananikyan, N. S. Ananikian, L. A. Chakhmakhchyan,
Arnold Tongues and Feigenbaum Exponents of the Rational Mapping for Q-State Potts Model on Recursive Lattice: Q < 2,
Fractals 18, 371 (2010).