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members:mjabbour [2023/11/24 13:35]
members:mjabbour [2024/08/29 11:41] (current)
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   * Quantum thermodynamics   * Quantum thermodynamics
   * Uncertainty relations   * Uncertainty relations
 === Selected Publications === === Selected Publications ===
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 Phys. Rev. Lett. **131**, 110202 (2023),\\ Phys. Rev. Lett. **131**, 110202 (2023),\\
 [[https://​doi.org/​10.1103/​PhysRevLett.131.110202|DOI:​ 10.1103/​PhysRevLett.131.110202]],​\\ [[https://​doi.org/​10.1103/​PhysRevLett.131.110202|DOI:​ 10.1103/​PhysRevLett.131.110202]],​\\
-[[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2210.05474|arXiv:​2210.05474 [quant-ph]]].\\ \\+[[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2210.05474|arXiv:​2210.05474 [quant-ph]]].\\ 
 +=== Recent preprints === 
 +K. Audenaert, B. Bergh, N. Datta, M. G. Jabbour, A. Capel and P. Gondolf,\\ 
 +//​Continuity bounds for quantum entropies arising from a fundamental entropic inequality//,​\\ 
 +[[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2408.15306|arXiv:​2408.15306 [quanth-ph]]]. 
 +M. Robbio, M. G. Jabbour, L. Novo and N. J. Cerf,\\ 
 +//A central limit theorem for partially distinguishable bosons//,​\\ 
 +[[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2404.11518|arXiv:​2404.11518 [quanth-ph]]]. 
 +M. G. Jabbour and N. J. Cerf,\\ 
 +//​Boson-fermion complementarity in a linear interferometer//,​\\ 
 +[[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2312.17709|arXiv:​2312.17709 [quanth-ph]]]. 
 +M. G. Jabbour and N. Datta,\\ 
 +//​Tightening continuity bounds on entropies and bounds on quantum capacities//,​\\ 
 +M. G. Jabbour and L. Novo,\\ 
 +//​Complexity of Gaussian quantum optics with a limited number of non-linearities//,​\\ 
 [[http://​arxiv.org/​a/​jabbour_m_1|A list of my publications on arXiv.]] [[http://​arxiv.org/​a/​jabbour_m_1|A list of my publications on arXiv.]]