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publications [2016/03/09 10:18]
publications [2016/06/23 14:50]
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 [[publications#​2014|2014]] [[publications#​2014|2014]]
 [[publications#​2014|2015]] [[publications#​2014|2015]]
 [[publications#​PhD Theses|PhD Theses]] [[publications#​PhD Theses|PhD Theses]]
 [[publications#​Ms Theses|Ms Theses]] [[publications#​Ms Theses|Ms Theses]]
-==== 2015 ====+==== 2016 ==== 
 +//Efficient entanglement distillation without quantum memory//,​\\ 
 +D. Abdelkhalek,​ M. Syllwasschy,​ N. J. Cerf, J. Fiurasek, and R. Schnabel\\ 
 +Nature Communications 7 (2016) 11720. [[http://​www.nature.com/​ncomms/​2016/​160531/​ncomms11720/​abs/​ncomms11720.html|doi:​10.1038/​ncomms11720]]\\ 
 +{{:​publications:​2016-ncomms-7-11720.pdf|PDF file}}
 +//Higher order nonclassicality from nonlinear coherent states for models with quadratic spectrum//,​\\
 +A. Hertz, S. Dey, V. Hussin, and H. Eleuch\\
 +Symmetry 8 (2016), 36; [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.3390/​sym8050036|doi:​10.3390/​sym8050036]]\\
 +{{:​publications:​2016-symmetry-08-36.pdf|PDF file}}
 //​Majorization preservation of Gaussian bosonic channels//,​\\ //​Majorization preservation of Gaussian bosonic channels//,​\\
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 //Detection of non-Gaussian entangled states with an improved continuous-variable separability criterion//,​\\ //Detection of non-Gaussian entangled states with an improved continuous-variable separability criterion//,​\\
 A. Hertz, E. Karpov, A. Mandilara, and N. J. Cerf\\ A. Hertz, E. Karpov, A. Mandilara, and N. J. Cerf\\
-to appear in Phys. Rev. A\\+Phys. Rev. A 93 (2016) 032330.\\ 
 +{{:​publications:​2016-pra-93-032330.pdf|PDF file}},
 [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1511.06621|arXiv:​1511.06621 [quant-ph]]] [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1511.06621|arXiv:​1511.06621 [quant-ph]]]
-//Efficient iterative entanglement distillation without ​quantum ​memory//,\\ +==== 2015 ==== 
-DAbdelkhalekMSyllwasschyNJCerf, J. Fiurasek, and R. Schnabel\\ + 
-submitted ​(August ​2015).+//A universal adiabatic ​quantum ​query algorithm//,\\ 
 +MBrandeho and J. Roland\\ 
 +In 10th Conference on the Theory of Quantum ComputationCommunication and Cryptography (TQC'​15),​ volume 44 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs): 163--179 (2015).\\ 
 +[[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.4230/​LIPIcs.TQC.2015.163|DOI]][[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1409.3558|arxiv:​1409.3558 [quant-ph]]] 
 +//Lower bounds on information complexity via zero-communication protocols and applications//,​\\ 
 +I. Kerenidis, S. Laplante, VLerays, J. Roland, and D. Xiao\\ 
 +SIAM Journal on Computing, 44(5):​1550--1572 (2015).\\ 
 +[[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1137/​130928273|DOI]],​ [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1204.1505|arxiv:​1204.1505 [quant-ph]]] 
 +//Relative Discrepancy does not separate Information and Communication Complexity//,​\\ 
 +L. Fontes, ​R. Jain, I. Kerenidis, S. Laplante, M. Laurière, and J. Roland\\ 
 +In 42nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'​15),​ volume 9134 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science : 506-516 ​(2015).\\ 
 +//Explicit relation between all lower bound techniques for quantum query complexity//,​\\ 
 +L. Magnin and J. Roland\\ 
 +International Journal of Quantum Information,​ 13(4): 1350059 (2015).\\ 
 +[[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1209.2713|arxiv:​1209.2713 [quant-ph]]]
 //Entropy generation in Gaussian quantum transformations:​ //Entropy generation in Gaussian quantum transformations:​
 applying the replica method to continuous-variable quantum information theory//,\\ applying the replica method to continuous-variable quantum information theory//,\\
 C. N. Gagatsos, A. I. Karanikas, G. Kordas, and N. J. Cerf\\ C. N. Gagatsos, A. I. Karanikas, G. Kordas, and N. J. Cerf\\
-npj Quantum Information 2 (2015) 15008; [published online 16 February 2016 | nature.com]\\+npj Quantum Information 2 (2015) 15008; [published online16 February 2016 | nature.com]\\
 {{:​publications:​2015-npjqi-2-15008.pdf|PDF file}}, [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1408.5062|arXiv:​1408.5062 [quant-ph]]] {{:​publications:​2015-npjqi-2-15008.pdf|PDF file}}, [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1408.5062|arXiv:​1408.5062 [quant-ph]]]
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 O. Oreshkov and N. J. Cerf\\ O. Oreshkov and N. J. Cerf\\
 Nature Physics 11 (2015) 853; [published online, July 2015]\\ Nature Physics 11 (2015) 853; [published online, July 2015]\\
 {{:​publications:​2015_nphys_11_853.pdf|PDF file}}, [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1507.07745|arXiv:​1507.07745 [quant-ph]]] {{:​publications:​2015_nphys_11_853.pdf|PDF file}}, [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1507.07745|arXiv:​1507.07745 [quant-ph]]]
 //Quantum walks can find a marked element on any graph//,\\ //Quantum walks can find a marked element on any graph//,\\
 H. Krovi, F. Magniez, M. Ozols, and J. Roland\\ H. Krovi, F. Magniez, M. Ozols, and J. Roland\\
-Algorithmica, ​Published online ​(2015).\\+Algorithmica, ​74(2):​851--907 ​(2015).\\
 [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​s00453-015-9979-8|DOI]],​ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007/​s00453-015-9979-8|DOI]],​
 [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1002.2419|arXiv:​1002.2419 [quant-ph]]] [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1002.2419|arXiv:​1002.2419 [quant-ph]]]
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 ==== 2013 ==== ==== 2013 ====
-//Explicit relation between all lower bound techniques for quantum query complexity//,​\\ 
-L. Magnin and J. Roland\\ 
-International Journal of Quantum Information,​ Online ready (2013).\\ 
 //Quantum Rejection sampling//,​\\ //Quantum Rejection sampling//,​\\
Line 212: Line 240:
 O. V. Pilyavets, C. Lupo, and S. Mancini\\ O. V. Pilyavets, C. Lupo, and S. Mancini\\
 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 58 (2012) 6126.\\ IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 58 (2012) 6126.\\
 +{{:​publications:​2012-ieee-58-6126.pdf|PDF file}},
 [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​0907.1532|arXiv:​0907.1532 [quant-ph]]] [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​0907.1532|arXiv:​0907.1532 [quant-ph]]]