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publications [2022/12/08 17:45]
publications [2023/08/14 16:16]
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 [[publications#​2021|2021]] [[publications#​2021|2021]]
 [[publications#​2022|2022]] [[publications#​2022|2022]]
 [[publications#​PhD Theses|PhD Theses]] [[publications#​PhD Theses|PhD Theses]]
 [[publications#​Ms Theses|Ms Theses]] [[publications#​Ms Theses|Ms Theses]]
 +==== 2023 ====
 +//Boson bunching is not maximized by indistinguishable particles//,​\\
 +B. Seron, L. Novo, and N. J. Cerf\\
 +Nature Photonics, published online 15 June 2023.\\
 +[[https://​doi.org/​10.1038/​s41566-023-01213-0|doi:​ 10.1038/​s41566-023-01213-0]],​ [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2203.01306 |arXiv:​2203.01306 [quant-ph]]]\\
 +{{ :​publication:​2023-nat-photon.pdf |PDF file (Article)}},​ {{ :​publication:​2023-nat-photon-suppl-info.pdf |PDF file (Suppl. Info.)}} \\
 +[[https://​rdcu.be/​deCFV|SN SharedIt link]]\\
 +News and Views (by Andrea Crespi) {{ :​publications:​2023_nat_photon_news-and-views_s41566-023-01258.pdf |PDF}}
 +//Existence of processes violating causal inequalities on time-delocalised subsystems//,​\\
 +J. Wechs, C. Branciard, and O. Oreshkov,\\
 +Nat. Commun. 14:1471 (2023).\\
 +[[https://​doi.org/​10.1038/​s41467-023-36893-3| doi: 10.1038/​s41467-023-36893-3]]
 +//​Majorization ladder in bosonic Gaussian channels//,​\\
 +Z. Van Herstraeten,​ M. G. Jabbour, and N. J. Cerf,
 +AVS Quantum Sci. 5, 011401 (2023).\\
 +Invited contribution to //Jonathan P. Dowling Memorial Special Issue: The Second Quantum Revolution//,​ edited by Zixin Huang and Pieter Kok, Special Topic Collection, AVS Quantum Science.\\
 +[[https://​doi.org/​10.1116/​5.0129704 |doi: 10.1116/​5.0129704]],​ [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2209.08384 |arXiv:​2209.08384 [quant-ph]]]\\
 +{{ :​publication:​2023-avs-quantumscience-5-011401.pdf |PDF file}}
 +//​Continuous majorization in quantum phase space//,\\
 +Z. Van Herstraeten,​ M. G. Jabbour, and N. J. Cerf, Quantum 7, 1021 (2023).\\
 +[[https://​doi.org/​10.22331/​q-2023-05-24-1021 |doi: 10.22331/​q-2023-05-24-1021]],​ [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2108.09167 |arXiv:​2108.09167 [quant-ph]]]\\
 +{{ :​publications:​2023-quantum-7-1021.pdf |PDF file}}
 +//Accessing continuous-variable entanglement witnesses with multimode spin observables//,​\\
 +C. Griffet, T. Haas, and N. J. Cerf\\
 +[[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2305.02227 |arXiv:​2305.02227 [quant-ph]]]
 +//​Probabilistic pure state conversion on the majorization lattice//,​\\
 +S. Deside, M. Arnhem, C. Griffet, and N. J. Cerf\\
 +[[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2303.10086 |arXiv:​2303.10086 [quant-ph]]]
 ==== 2022 ==== ==== 2022 ====
 +//Efficient validation of Boson Sampling from binned photon-number distributions//,​\\
 +B. Seron, L. Novo, A. Arkhipov, and N. J. Cerf (submitted)\\
 +[[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2212.09643 |arXiv:​2212.09643 [quant-ph]]]
 +//​BosonSampling.jl:​ A Julia package for quantum multi-photon interferometry//,​\\
 +B. Seron and A. Restivo (submitted)\\
 +[[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2212.09537 |arXiv:​2212.09537 [quant-ph]]]
 //Gaussian work extraction from random Gaussian states is nearly impossible//,​\\ //Gaussian work extraction from random Gaussian states is nearly impossible//,​\\
-U. Singh, J. K. Korbicz, and N. J. Cerf\\+U. Singh, J. K. Korbicz, and N. J. Cerf (accepted)\\
 [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2212.03492 |arXiv:​2212.03492 [quant-ph]]] [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2212.03492 |arXiv:​2212.03492 [quant-ph]]]
 //​Interferometric measurement of the quadrature coherence scale using two replicas of a quantum optical state//,\\ //​Interferometric measurement of the quadrature coherence scale using two replicas of a quantum optical state//,\\
-C. Griffet, M. Arnhem, S. De Bièvre, N. J. Cerf\\+C. Griffet, M. Arnhem, S. De Bièvre, N. J. Cerf (submitted)\\
 [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2211.12992 |arXiv:​2211.12992 [quant-ph]]] [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2211.12992 |arXiv:​2211.12992 [quant-ph]]]
-//​Majorization ladder in bosonic Gaussian channels//,​\\ 
-Z. Van Herstraeten,​ M. G. Jabbour, and N. J. Cerf\\ 
-[[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2209.08384 |arXiv:​2209.08384 [quant-ph]]]\\ 
-invited contribution to //Jonathan P. Dowling Memorial Special Issue: The Second Quantum Revolution//,​ edited by Zixin Huang and Pieter Kok, Special Topic Collection, AVS Quantum Science. 
-//Boson bunching is not maximized by indistinguishable particles//,​\\ 
-B. Seron, L. Novo, and N. J. Cerf (submitted)\\ 
-[[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2203.01306 |arXiv:​2203.01306 [quant-ph]]] 
 //Multicopy observables for the detection of optically nonclassical states//,\\ //Multicopy observables for the detection of optically nonclassical states//,\\
Line 61: Line 96:
 [[https://​doi.org/​10.1103/​PhysRevA.106.043705 |doi: 10.1103/​PhysRevA.106.043705]],​ [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2205.12040 |arXiv:​2205.12040 [quant-ph]]]\\ [[https://​doi.org/​10.1103/​PhysRevA.106.043705 |doi: 10.1103/​PhysRevA.106.043705]],​ [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2205.12040 |arXiv:​2205.12040 [quant-ph]]]\\
 {{ :​publications:​2022-physreva.106.043705.pdf |PDF file}} {{ :​publications:​2022-physreva.106.043705.pdf |PDF file}}
-//​Continuous majorization in quantum phase space//,\\ 
-Z. Van Herstraeten,​ M. G. Jabbour, and N. J. Cerf (submitted to Quantum).\\ 
-[[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2108.09167 |arXiv:​2108.09167 [quant-ph]]] 
 ==== 2021 ==== ==== 2021 ====
Line 757: Line 788:
 N. J. Cerf and J. Fiurasek,\\ N. J. Cerf and J. Fiurasek,\\
 in: Progress in Optics, 49, edited by E. Wolf, (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006), pp. 455-545. \\ in: Progress in Optics, 49, edited by E. Wolf, (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006), pp. 455-545. \\
 +[[https://​www.elsevier.com/​books/​progress-in-optics/​wolf/​978-0-444-52732-5|eBook ISBN: 9780080463582]]\\
 {{publications:​2006-ProgOpt-49-455.pdf|PDF file}}, {{publications:​2006-ProgOpt-49-455.pdf|PDF file}},
 [[http://​www.arxiv.org/​abs/​quant-ph/​0512172|arXiv quant-ph/​0512172]] [[http://​www.arxiv.org/​abs/​quant-ph/​0512172|arXiv quant-ph/​0512172]]
Line 1360: Line 1392:
 N.J. Cerf and S.E. Koonin, \\ N.J. Cerf and S.E. Koonin, \\
 Math. and Comput. in Simulat. 47 (1998), 143-152. \\ Math. and Comput. in Simulat. 47 (1998), 143-152. \\
-(Proceedings of the IMACS (International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation) Conference on Monte Carlo Methods, Brussels, April 1-3, 1997).\\ +Proceedings of the IMACS (International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation) Conference on Monte Carlo Methods, Brussels, April 1-3, 1997.\\ 
-[[http://​www.arxiv.org/​abs/​quant-ph/​9703050|arXiv quant-ph/​9703050]]+[[https://​www.sciencedirect.com/​science/​article/​pii/​S0378475498000998?​via%3Dihub | doi:​10.1016/​S0378-4754(98)00099-8]]\\ 
 +{{ :​publications:​1998_math_comput_simul_47_143.pdf |PDF file}}, ​[[http://​www.arxiv.org/​abs/​quant-ph/​9703050|arXiv quant-ph/​9703050]]
 //Optical simulation of quantum logic//, \\ //Optical simulation of quantum logic//, \\
Line 1378: Line 1411:
 N.J. Cerf, \\ Acta Phys. Slovaca 48 (1998), 115-132.\\ N.J. Cerf, \\ Acta Phys. Slovaca 48 (1998), 115-132.\\
 (special issue on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information)\\ (special issue on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information)\\
 +[[http://​www.physics.sk/​aps/​pub.php?​y=1998&​pub=aps_1998_48_3|ISSN 1336-040X (online)]]\\
 {{publications:​1998-APS-48-115.pdf|PDF file}} {{publications:​1998-APS-48-115.pdf|PDF file}}